Tori Hinkle

Placenta Preparation Services

Almost all mammals consume the placenta after the birth of their young. With humans being a mammal, there are some who prepare the placenta with herbs, dehydrate it and consume it, usually powdered and encapsulated. This practice is known as placentophagy. It is believed to be a way to revitalize and reconsume nutrients that would otherwise be lost during the birthing process. Advocates for placentophagy believe that consuming dried placenta improves postpartum moods, increases milk supply for breastfeeding mothers, and decreases postpartum bleeding and postpartum recovery time. Research is currently being performed to verify the anecdotal evidence that exists about the benefits of placenta preparation. Prepared by yourself, or by a placenta preparation specialist, this is a growing practice among new mothers to help prevent the symptoms of postpartum depression and improve the postpartum experience.

Reported Benefits

  • Preventing and lessening the risk of postpartum depression or ‘baby blues’
  • Replenishing your iron from blood loss during birth and to prevent postpartum anemia
  • Lending you a consistent flow of oxytocin long after your birth euphoria ends
  • Providing the HPL hormone to help establish early and healthy milk supply
  • To stabilize your ever changing hormones post birth
  • To replenish your B vitamins and energy that were used during the labor and birthing process
  • Protection from infection and bleeding due to retained placenta tissue or membranes
  • Offer natural pain relief from the labor and birth of the baby

Services & Packages


This package includes your basic Placenta Capsules for immediate postpartum use, plus a keepsake umbilical cord ornament. The capsules are generally used for hormonal balancing, healthy milk supply and nutritional support.*

Your Placenta Tincture is ready in 6 weeks and will be shelf-stable for many years. It may be used during times of trauma, transition, emotional stress, future periods or menopause.

Placenta has also long been used as an ingredient in skin products. Your Placenta Salve, is infused with healing herbs in coconut and olive oil, to be used topically on rashes, stretch marks, insect bites, scars, or any other skin ailment.

PRICE $350 for pickup & delivery services
[+$50 for in-home service]

What a beautiful way to remember your postpartum experience! This one of a kind art print is made with your placenta using food-grade dye and set on high-quality watercolor paper. We can make it just about any color of the rainbow. Since food-grade dye was used during the process, you can add this on to any of the above placenta services.



This package includes your basic Placenta Capsules for immediate postpartum use, plus a keepsake umbilical cord ornament. The capsules are generally used for hormonal balancing, healthy milk supply and nutritional support. An average placenta will yield 75-150 capsules, depending on the size of your placenta. Capsules will store safely in your freezer for years. In addition to immediate postpartum benefits, you may also save some for use when you experience PMS, low milk supply, decreased energy, or mood swings.

Capsules are best taken with a meal or mixed in a smoothie.*


PRICE: $300 for pickup & delivery services
[May add-on any parts of the Well Rounded Placenta Package ‘a la carte’.]
[+$50 for in-home service]

Reported Benefits

Placenta encapsulation is the process of preparing the mother’s placenta after the birth of her baby(ies), by separating the membranes and umbilical cord from the placenta, rinsing and draining maternal and fetal blood, steaming, slicing thin and then dehydrating to doneness, to then be ground and placed into capsules for the mother to ingest as she sees fit. Per food safety guidelines I do not offer raw prep for capsules, I steam, then dehydrate your placenta at 160°F for around 8 hours, testing for doneness before encapsulation. All bacteria (including GBS) begins to die at 55° C (131° F) for 30 minutes. Proper preparation at these temperatures ensure that no harmful bacteria are present.

Encapsulation is a two day process

Day 1: Once the placenta is ready for dehydration it must dehydrate for roughly 8 hours.
* Before the placenta can be prepared, it must be defrosted if frozen. This can take another 24hrs.
Day 2: Involves grinding the dehydrated placenta into powder and placing it in capsules.

At CPES's Home

The specialist will schedule a pick up time with the Client within the first 24-48 hours of birth. 24 hours is more accurate following a home birth, where hospital policies may effect pickup time depending on release policy. The placenta must be kept in the fridge if more than 3-4 hours after birth. Hospital Birth: Please check the hospital policy regarding releasing the placenta. The specialist will pick up the placenta at the client’s home once the client and placenta is released. Some hospitals freeze the placenta right after birth. In this case the placenta should be placed in the refrigerator until pick up. Each day the CPES’s kitchen will be thoroughly sanitized according to OSHA protocols. The specialist uses a bleach solution as required by blood-borne pathogens training. All supplies are provided by the CPES. The prepared capsules will be delivered at client’s home within 24-72 hours after pickup and a brief postpartum visit will be completed.